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7 life hacks to revolutionise your mornings

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If you’re a morning bird, have a gold star. Seriously. It’s a struggle every day to get out of bed. Mornings can often feel like a race against the clock, leaving us frazzled and unprepared for the day ahead. So, we did the research. Here’s a few life hacks that will hopefully transform your morning routine into a smooth and energising start to the day. 

Rise and Shine with a Purposeful Routine

Creating a purposeful morning routine sets the tone for the day. Start by waking up a few minutes earlier to allow time for activities that bring you joy or set a positive mindset. Whether it’s a few moments of meditation, journaling, or indulging in a favourite hobby, carving out time for yourself in the morning can significantly impact your overall well-being.

Master the Art of Prepping the Night Before

Save precious time in the morning by prepping the night before. Lay out your outfit, pack your bag, and prepare your breakfast or lunch. This simple hack eliminates decision fatigue and allows you to start your day with a clear and focused mind. You’ll be amazed at how much smoother your mornings become with a little pre-planning.

Fuel Up with a Nutrient-Packed Breakfast

Breakfast is indeed the most important meal of the day, and a well-balanced, nutrient-packed meal can fuel your body and mind for the day ahead. Opt for a breakfast that includes protein, healthy fats, and complex carbs, such as a veggie omelette with whole-grain toast or overnight oats topped with fresh fruits and nuts.

The Power of a Morning Workout

Adding exercise to your morning routine can do wonders for your physical and mental well-being. Whether it’s a brisk walk, a yoga session, or a full-blown workout, getting your body moving in the morning increases energy levels, improves focus, and boosts your mood. Plus, checking off your workout early in the day ensures you won’t skip it later due to a busy schedule.

home workout morning routine

Streamline Your Beauty Routine

Save time and simplify your beauty routine by streamlining your products and techniques. Invest in multi-purpose products that serve multiple functions, such as a tinted moisturiser or a moisturising lip balm with a hint of colour. Additionally, organising your makeup and skincare essentials in a dedicated space will make your morning routine more efficient.

Tame Your Inbox with Email Management

Don’t let your inbox overwhelm you first thing in the morning. Set aside specific times to check and respond to emails to avoid getting sidetracked. Unsubscribe from unnecessary newsletters and create filters to prioritise important messages. 

Gratitude, Gratitude, Gratitude

It almost sounds silly, but before diving into the bustling busyness of your day, take a moment to express gratitude. Reflect on three things you are grateful for and set positive intentions for the day. This simple practice can shift your mindset, cultivate a sense of appreciation, and help you approach the day with a positive outlook.


Revamping your morning routine doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Remember, small changes can make a big difference. Tailor the above to your needs, and get ready to revolutionise your morning routine for a happier and more fulfilling day ahead.

Images from Pexels.

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