Home » AHAs decoded: Alpha Hydroxy Acids for smooth and radiant skin

AHAs decoded: Alpha Hydroxy Acids for smooth and radiant skin

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When it comes to achieving a smooth and radiant complexion, exfoliation is a crucial step in any skincare routine. Among the various exfoliating agents available, Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) have gained significant popularity for their ability to renew the skin’s surface, improve texture, and target specific skin concerns. Here, we decode the wonders of AHAs, explore their benefits, how they work, and how to incorporate them into your skincare routine for optimal results.

Check out the rest of our “Decoded” series.

What is AHA? 

The term “AHA” stands for Alpha Hydroxy Acids — but don’t be scared by the word “acid”. They’re gentle when used correctly, we promise. Some examples within this category include Glycolic Acid and Lactic Acid; potent exfoliants that work by gently dissolving the bonds between dead skin cells, allowing them to slough off more easily. 

This process helps to improve skin texture, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and promote a more even skin tone. AHAs also stimulate collagen production, resulting in firmer, plumper skin. They are particularly effective for addressing concerns like hyperpigmentation, sun damage, and dullness, leaving the skin looking fresh and rejuvenated.

How AHAs work

They work by penetrating the upper layer of the skin and breaking down the “glue” that holds dead skin cells together. This gentle exfoliation process allows for the removal of dead skin cells, revealing the healthier, more vibrant skin beneath. AHAs also help to increase cell turnover, promoting the growth of new, youthful skin cells. Additionally, they can enhance the absorption of other skincare products, making them more effective.

AHAs in skincare

Incorporating AHAs into your skincare routine requires careful consideration and proper application. Start by selecting a product with a suitable concentration of AHAs based on your skin’s tolerance and concerns. Begin by using the product once or twice a week and gradually increase frequency as your skin adjusts. It’s important to note that AHAs can make your skin more sensitive to the sun, so always follow up with a broad-spectrum sunscreen during the day. It’s also advisable to avoid using AHAs in conjunction with other potentially irritating ingredients to prevent over-exfoliation and skin irritation.

Our favourite picks

We hoped this help better understand what is AHA. They truly are powerful exfoliating acids that can transform your skin, revealing a smoother, more radiant complexion. Whether you want to address concerns like hyperpigmentation, well-ageing, or dullness, AHAs can be a valuable ally in your quest for healthy, glowing skin.

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