Home » From IPL to HIFU: a guide to high-tech facial treatments

From IPL to HIFU: a guide to high-tech facial treatments

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In the quest for flawless and radiant skin, traditional skincare routines are no longer the only option. Thanks to advancements in technology, there’s a wide array of innovative facial treatments available that offer transformative results. From IPL facials that target pigmentation and uneven skin tone to HIFU treatments that lift and tighten sagging skin, these cutting-edge procedures can address specific skin concerns and provide remarkable rejuvenation.


IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) facials have gained popularity for their ability to target a variety of skin concerns, including sun damage, pigmentation, and redness. This non-invasive treatment uses pulses of light to penetrate the skin, stimulating collagen production and breaking up unwanted pigmentation. IPL facials can result in a more even complexion, reduced hyperpigmentation, and a youthful glow. 


HIFU (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound) is a non-surgical treatment that utilises ultrasound energy to stimulate collagen production and tighten the skin. By targeting the deep layers of the skin, HIFU can lift sagging areas, improve facial contours, and reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. The results of HIFU treatments can be long-lasting (we’d say anywhere between 3-12 months depending on the intensity of the machines), offering a non-invasive alternative to surgical facelifts. It can take a week or two to see the results. We love getting a session done a bit before a major event for best results.


LED (Light Emitting Diode) facials have become increasingly popular due to their versatility and effectiveness in addressing various skin concerns. This non-invasive treatment utilises different wavelengths of light to target specific skin issues, such as acne and inflammation. LED facials can help reduce acne breakouts, calm redness, stimulate collagen production, and promote a more youthful complexion. Whether you’re seeking to treat acne-prone skin or achieve an overall rejuvenation, LED facials can be a valuable addition to your skincare routine. Out of your budget? There’s a few popular at-home LED devices on the market now that you could consider. 

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This pick has been #trending for a good reason. Microcurrent facials have gained attention for their ability to lift, tone, and sculpt the facial muscles. This non-invasive treatment involves the use of low-level electrical currents that mimic the body’s natural electrical signals. By stimulating the muscles and promoting circulation, microcurrent facials can help improve facial contours, reduce sagging, and impart a more youthful appearance. 

Chemical Peel

Chemical peels are a tried-and-true method for smoother and more radiant skin. This treatment involves the application of a chemical solution to the skin, which exfoliates the outermost layers and promotes cell turnover. Chemical peels can address various skin concerns, including hyperpigmentation, acne scars, and dullness. By revealing fresh, new skin, chemical peels can rejuvenate the complexion and provide a youthful glow. If this sounds scary, consider starting with a low concentration of AHA or BHA weekly at home first. 

When considering any facial treatments, it’s crucial to consult with a professional to ensure safety and optimal results. Aftercare is also key — so remember to use good sleeping masks after. We hope this was helpful! Are there any facial treatments you’re interested in that we missed? Let us know in the comments below.

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