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Skincare spring clean for a fresh start

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As the flowers bloom and the days grow longer, it’s the perfect time to give your skincare routine a fresh start. Spring cleaning isn’t just for your living space — it’s a great opportunity to declutter, organise, and revitalise your skincare collection. By getting rid of expired products, reassessing your skincare needs, and sharing unused treasures with loved ones, you can create a streamlined and effective regimen that promotes a radiant complexion with a feel-good factor. 

Expiry Date Check

Start your skincare spring cleaning by inspecting the expiry dates of your products. Over time, skincare items can lose their effectiveness and may even become potential sources of skin irritation. Take a close look at each item in your collection and discard anything that has expired. This will not only ensure the efficacy of your skincare routine but also prevent any mishaps or adverse reactions.

Streamline and Simplify

Spring cleaning is the perfect opportunity to streamline your skincare collection. Assess each product and consider whether it aligns with your current skincare needs and goals. If you find duplicates, or if a certain product no longer serves you, it’s time to let go. Donate unopened or gently used products to family or friends who may benefit from them. By simplifying your routine, you can focus on the essentials and avoid overwhelming your skin with unnecessary products.

Organise and Revisit

Take the time to organise your skincare products in a way that makes them easily accessible and visually appealing. Invest in storage solutions like clear containers or drawer dividers to keep everything neat and tidy. While organising, revisit your skincare goals and concerns. Are there any gaps in your routine that need to be addressed? Consider researching new products that may cater to your evolving needs and integrate them into your collection.

spring cleaning skincare

Cleanse Your Tools

Spring cleaning isn’t just about products—it’s also about cleaning your skincare tools. Wash your makeup brushes, beauty sponges, and any other reusable tools to remove buildup and bacteria. We suggest doing this weekly, or even daily if you have the patience and time for it! This will ensure that your tools are hygienic and ready for use. Additionally, check the condition of your skincare devices, such as facial brushes or massagers, and clean or replace any attachments as needed.

Embrace a Fresh Start

Once you’ve completed your skincare spring clean, embrace the fresh start and renewed commitment to self-care. With a decluttered and organised collection, you can fully enjoy your skincare routine without feeling overwhelmed. Remember to regularly reassess your products and adjust your regimen as needed to meet the changing needs of your skin.

Images from Unsplashed